Karajarri Director Mr Lindsay Dean

Well-known Aboriginal community leaders, Ms Merle Carter and Mr Lindsay Dean, have been appointed as the Aboriginal community representatives on the Reference Group. While industry and government will be represented respectively by Ms Bronwyn Bell and Mr Anthony Kannis.

The co-design process to develop the key documents that will support Western Australia's new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 is a step closer, following the appointment of a new reference group.


The new Act will replace the 50-year-old Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and provide better protection for cultural heritage from the oldest continuous living culture in the world.


Comprised of four members from the Aboriginal community, industry and government, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Reference Group will work with key stakeholders to undertake the co-design of the draft regulations, management code and guidelines.


Well-known Aboriginal community leaders, Ms Merle Carter and Mr Lindsay Dean, have been appointed as the Aboriginal community representatives on the Reference Group. While industry and government will be represented respectively by Ms Bronwyn Bell and Mr Anthony Kannis.

Karajarri Director Lindsay Dean appointed to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Reference Group